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GBR senior women ramp up for the Danube league -

The Great Britain Senior Women have been preparing for a return to competition with an intensive training camp at the Loughborough High Performance Centre. Seventeen squad members attended the five-day camp.




Assistant Coach Peggy Etiebet said: ‘this was a fantastic opportunity for our athletes and we are grateful to British Swimming for enabling us to have this opportunity.  We were able to access 4 hours of water polo a day, a daily session in a world class gym as well as an hour of a class room based technical and strategy session.  We also held 1:1 player meetings and incorporated yoga and meditation into the programme.  This was all topped off with a couple of beach volleyball and rounders sessions which was where the real competitive spirit came out!

Head Coach Nick Buller remarked, ‘We were very pleased with the positive approach of the players brought to training and even more so the real support and encouragement the players gave to each other in and out of the water.  They trained very hard, learning a number of new technical skills and tactics which we hope to put into play in coming competitions.
Emily Pyper, who plays for City of Liverpool said, ‘It was so inspiring being able to use the facilities that were available at Loughborough, I no doubt that the week has pushed us forward as a team both tactically and technically. Returning to competition is a long awaited experience after such a long break and I’m excited to get back in the water again to compete against some of the best in the world.
Amelia Peters, a City of Sheffield player commented, ‘Last week was a great opportunity to train in a professional environment with the outstanding facilities made available to us. It was fantastic to get the squad together and meet up with friends and also new teammates. This level of training, alongside classroom sessions, allowed us to progress as a team. We are looking forward to competing internationally and I can’t wait for the Danube League to start in Serbia next month. After a long break, it will be great to compete at a high level of competition.’
The GBR women are entering the Danube League with the aim of increasing the players exposure to high level competition.  The first tournament will take place 9-12 September 2021 in Bečej, Serbia.

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