Club News

Meet the new volunteer team members for Water Polo England comms! - September 30, 2016

We are very pleased to welcome Anne Huck and Richard Clapperton to the team which brings you England and GB water polo news, results and more.


Anne Huck

anne-huckAs mother of 2 well-known players, Emma and Rosie, Anne would argue that while she hasn’t had much choice about being a “water polo mum”, she has grown to love the sport and to value the opportunities it provides to all those involved. 


September Water Polo England club news round-up - September 3, 2016

Welcome to our September Water Polo England round-up of club news.

Exeter Water Polo Club has been accepted for an International Club Tournament – the ‘Turbo Cup’ being hosted by the BIWPA in Barcelona in early September. The Tournament is for the U19 age group and the teams travel to play in the Mont Juic Pool (which featured prominently in the 1992 Olympics) overlooking Barcelona.

Some of the premier clubs from across Europe including from Hungary (Szeged;