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Welcome to our monthly England Water Polo News - March 1, 2021

Our route back!

This month we at least have more reason to be optimistic that a return to water polo training is round the corner, albeit not quite as close as many of us hoped.  The timetable announced by the government is set out in the table below.

The timetable is subject to the caveat that the number of Covid-19 …


Our England Water Polo clubs February round-up - January 31, 2021

Welcome to our February news, and looking on the bright side, at least that means we are hopefully another month closer to when we can start playing water polo again, or at least getting into swimming pools and starting water based training.

It was a year ago that the last Super Fives competition started.  City of Coventry women prepared in …


Happy New Year 2021 polo fans, things can only get better! - January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!  I am sure this New Year’s Eve was not how anyone planned to spend it but we hope that everyone time found time to relax, reflect on a very strange year and plan for the year ahead.  At this time we have some hope that the covid-19 pandemic will be brought under control in the Spring as …