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Sport England funding for water polo over the next 4 years, and it’s bad news -

It has just been announced that Sport England has cut the funding it will provide to the ASA for all aquatic sports for the next 4 years, and unfortunately the news is that water polo has come off very badly indeed.

Sport England has announced that it will provide funding of £10.56 million for the ASA to spend on swimming participation and talent activities over the 4 years 2017-21, in addition to the awards of £750K for diving and £850K for para-swimming already announced.

The ASA’s Chief Operating Officer, and interim Chief Exective Officer, Jane Nickerson, said in response to the recent announcement: “We are pleased that Sport England has once again shown their confidence in us to lead and develop our sport.”

In fact, the future level of Sport England funding for the ASA over the next 4 years is dramatically lower than the £20.5 million originally committed by Sport England to the ASA for the period 2013-17, and lower still than the £20.8 million for 2009-13.

Unfortunately we have also been advised that water polo itself will receive just a single payment of £100K from Sport England to last for the next four years. The budget of £25K per year is intended to cover all participation and talent activites in the sport, and has been described as a ‘parachute payment’…so presumably water polo can look forward to even less money from Sport England from 2021 onwards, hence the need for a parachute.

The ASA’s bid to Sport England for money for water polo was drafted and co-ordinated by the ASA’s own staff, and we have asked the ASA to comment on the derisory level of funding secured for water polo from Sport England, the likely impact of the funding level on the ASA’s support for water polo, and what steps the ASA will be taking to mitigate the impact of Sport England’s decision on our sport.

We will of course publish the ASA’s response here when it is received.

9 responses to “Sport England funding for water polo over the next 4 years, and it’s bad news”

  1. John says:

    Who decides this? The payment for Water Polo is derisory and quite frankly an insult

  2. Mark Leeson says:

    Is it not now time to break away from the ASA and seek our own funding sources for waterpolo?

  3. Rob Smee says:

    one assumes Sport England is full of Baseball loving committee members!!!!!!!

  4. Mike Coles says:

    Think it’s time to form a water polo federation?

  5. Simon Woods says:

    It appears that Water Polo is insignificant in the minds of those involved in distributing the monies. We ( the Water Polo community) must take some form of proactive action, as in 2021 the situation looks to be planned to be worse. I would suggest we take matters into our own hands, create our own body and drive it ourselves. We can then market it properly and get sponsorships…….. you only have to see what F1 and darts have achieved to see it is possible.

  6. Mel says:

    This year water polo was removed as a sport from the GCSE curriculum. We have also been dropped from the London Youth Games. Now our funding has been reduced. I don’t understand how the ASA have allowed this to happen. How can we campaign to increase participation in grass roots water polo ? It would be good to organise the water polo community to reverse this trend.

  7. Chris says:

    Surely one of the biggest accolades in sport is to represent your country. It would be interesting to see what percentage of Swimmers have OR are projected to represent their country over Water Polo Players. Talk about cutting the string on the carrot !!

  8. Dzvd says:

    Can’t water polo leave the ASA and reform a separate federation like Australian water polo did then look for funding from organisations as a stand alone rather than be stuck with diving and swimming which gets all the funding

  9. Barry danielson says:

    Utter contempt from Asa sport England, time to go it alone what have we got to lose!!! Be brave and do it.

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